传闻三国时期有个年轻人叫周处,周处年轻力壮,性子强悍暴烈。他闲着无事时常常上街逞凶,把街坊邻里打得鼻青眼肿。 / It is rumored that during the Three Kingdoms period, there was a young man named Zhou Chu, who was young and strong, with a strong and violent temperament.
一会儿山风骤起,突然出现的老虎张开巨口,想将周处一口吞下。 周处天生巨力,死死抵住老虎的牙齿。 / The suddenly appearing tiger opened its huge mouth and wanted to swallow all around it. Surrounded by a natural force, he stubbornly resisted the tiger's teeth.
“老虎死了!”乡亲们闻声蜂拥而至,大家开始载歌载舞。 / "The tiger is dead! "The villagers rushed in at the sound, and everyone began to sing and dance.
范逸秀 / Fan Yixiu
女 中国 1997 1481597975@qq.com
出生城市 重庆
当前工作生活地 西安
创作工具 版画、手绘板
是否已出版 未出版