周处除三害 / Eliminate the Three Harms Around




传闻三国时期有个年轻人叫周处,周处年轻力壮,性子强悍暴烈。他闲着无事时常常上街逞凶,把街坊邻里打得鼻青眼肿。 / It is rumored that during the Three Kingdoms period, there was a young man named Zhou Chu, who was young and strong, with a strong and violent temperament.

一会儿山风骤起,突然出现的老虎张开巨口,想将周处一口吞下。 周处天生巨力,死死抵住老虎的牙齿。 / The suddenly appearing tiger opened its huge mouth and wanted to swallow all around it. Surrounded by a natural force, he stubbornly resisted the tiger's teeth.

“老虎死了!”乡亲们闻声蜂拥而至,大家开始载歌载舞。 / "The tiger is dead! "The villagers rushed in at the sound, and everyone began to sing and dance.

江底阴暗,霎时间蛟龙无影无踪, 去向不明。周处睁大眼睛,看到前面有一棵庞大的 珊瑚树。他寻思蛟龙莫非藏在后面? / The bottom of the river was dark, and all of a sudden there were no dragons. With wide eyes, I saw a huge Viburnum odoratissimum in front of me. He wondered if the dragon was hiding behind him?

大江平息了,没有风没有浪,也没有周处的身影。站在岸上的乡亲默默无语。他们为周处的死活担忧。 / The river has calmed down, there are no winds, no waves, and no shadows around. The villagers standing on the shore were silent. They are worried about the life and death around them.

范逸秀 / Fan Yixiu

中国 1997 1481597975@qq.com

出生城市 重庆

当前工作生活地 西安

创作工具 版画、手绘板

是否已出版 未出版