狗狗派对 / Dog Party



这组插画来自一本正在制作的图画书《狗狗派对》。故事发生在一场狗狗派对上,主人们不在身边时,狗狗们在组织一场派对。本书的版权为Versant Sud(比利时)出版社所有,预计在2025年初出版。

The dog show has come to town. People and dogs from all regions are gathered here

Presentation of dogs in competition: Bingo, the most famous Scottish Terrier and Bianca, who comes from a prestigious poodle family

Presentation of dogs in competition:Hollywood who has won many awards and Malo, the most feared and respected guard dog

Hustle and bustle at the dog show the day before the opening of the fair. Dogs are combed, admired, photographed.

The dog party is improvised while the owners were away. A rich dog-table is set with kibble, bones and dog treats

劳拉·西蒙纳蒂 / Laura Simonati

意大利 1993 laura.simonati@hotmail.com

出生城市 维罗纳

当前工作生活地 Brussels

创作工具 水粉、数字合成

是否已出版 未出版