《冲浪》 / Surf



这是我基于冲浪经验绘制的毕业作品,讲述的是冲浪者的故事。当他们为了最汹涌的海浪互相竞争时,其狂野的本性便苏醒了。而在冲浪后,他们便又恢复了平时的本性,互相击掌,以示对竞争对手的友好。 我想在插图中创造一个充满活力的氛围,带给观众一些刺激。上世纪80年代,荧光冲浪服曾一度流行,我在研究了相关冲浪照片后,便将其作为本次创作的色彩主题。

Surfers wait for waves in the sea.

As surfers compete with each other to ride the wave, their wild nature is awoken and they become animals.

While the surfers were fighting, a huge wave hit them.

Surfers fell off their boards and thrashed wildly in the water.

At sunset, surfers finished surfing and returned human.

李明宇 / Moonyo Lee

韩国 1987 moonyo.book@gmail.com

出生城市 大田

当前工作生活地 首尔

创作工具 数字绘画

是否已出版 未出版