《阿里巴,一个关于新鞋的老故事》 / Ariba, an Old Tale about New Shoes



马库斯对新鞋十分欢喜,这令他想起一则古老的故事,这个故事关于一个名叫阿里巴的男孩。 阿里巴和一双非凡的鞋子有着不同寻常的牵绊。不管他多少次尝试摆脱这双鞋子,鞋子似乎总能找回他的身边。这个故事微妙地通过两代人不同的视角,诠释了一个有关宽容和同理心的故事,也有关迷失自我,以及通过新旧共存的方式找回自我。

From the moment Marcus put on his new shoes, he couldn’t stop moving.

There was not a single person to whom Marcus didn't present his new shoes

Under an endless sky, in a small village surrounded by high mountains, there once lived a boy named Ariba

This time he decided to take them far beyond the street, the park and even the train station

After all, I really like being with you on Sundays. We always have the most unusual times together

玛莎·马纳波夫 / Masha Manapov

以色列 1982 mashka_man@yahoo.com

出生城市 巴库

当前工作生活地 布里斯托尔

创作工具 手绘、数字绘画

是否已出版 已出版

出版日期 2020年

ISBN号码 ISBN-10: 1592703003 ISBN-13: 978-1592703005

出版社 魔法狮子出版社出版,美国